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Lo-Fi Room

Lo-Fi Room is a game for those who love lo-fi music and adorable cats. Get ready to enter the world of lo-fi music with slow and gentle rhythms that bring a nostalgic feeling, a sense of closeness, and nature.

How to play Lo-Fi Room

  • You'll enter a dream room filled with lofi music and musical instruments. In particular, there is a cat curled up on a table.
  • To hear purring sounds, interact with the adorable cat. Be gentle; don't wake the cat up.
  • Next, locate other musical instruments in the room and imitate the sounds you just heard from the cat.
  • Click on the instruments you've discovered and play great melodies. To play music, use the QWER keys.

Explore more of our other exciting games, including Music Trip.

Category and Tags

music gamerhythm

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