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GNT Wordle

GNT Wordle is the Greek version of the famous Wordle game. The game is for those who want to learn Greek or want to play Wordle in their native language, or simply want to play Wordle in a new language.

How to play GNT Wordle

  • The player's task is to guess a 5-letter word from the Greek New Testament (SBLGNT) without diacritics.
  • Players have a maximum of 6 attempts.
  • If the player guesses correctly, congratulations, you have won.
  • If the player guesses incorrectly, the game provides colored feedback to suggest the next answer. Green: the letter is in the word to be guessed and is in the correct position. Orange: the letter is in the word to be guessed but is in the wrong position. Gray: the letter is not in the word to search.

You can also explore Biblidle - a word guessing game related to the Bible or Christianity.

Category and Tags

Wordlebiblidle unlimitedgnt wordle unlimitedGreek wordle

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