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10 Second Mixtape

10 Second Mixtape is a game that helps you experience the feeling of becoming a true artist, writing a song and bringing it to the stage to perform with the enthusiastic cheers of your fans below.

How to play 10 Second Mixtape

  • You will play the role of a real artist, collaborating with your bandmate to create a great album.
  • Your team will work together to create captivating sounds, giving the audience a fantastic experience.
  • Each time you play, you will use different instruments. You save everything you write as a piece of music.
  • Use the keyboard to create various low and high notes, as well as low and high notes. Click the Done button in the right corner of the screen when you have completed the album.
  • Finally, select a beautiful album cover to release.

Don't worry if you don't have musical talent; the game is just for entertainment and fun. There is no judgment here, no criticism, just a burning love for music. Every track is special in its own way, and to us, it sounds beautiful.

Another great music game you should try is A Dance Of Fire And Ice.

Category and Tags

music gamerhythmindiemusicfunnyonline

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